Serious illness Cover is a type of trauma insurance that provides you with a one-off lump sum payment to reduce the strain, both financially and emotionally, of dealing with a serious illness or injury.* The lump sum can help reduce debt, further medical treatment, rehabilitation expenses, or paying off the mortgage. The purpose of the funds is entirely yours to decide.
Why do we need Serious Illness cover?
- 8 women a day are diagnosed with breast cancer.*
- 50% or more of people with cancer will be long term survivors.**
- 20 New Zealanders on average have a stroke every day, 25% of which are under 65.***
* Source: The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation
** Source: Cancer Society of New Zealand
*** Source: Stroke Foundation of New Zealand
Additional benefits in your serious illness cover for no additional premium
Children’s Serious Illness benefit
Three children are diagnosed with cancer each week in New Zealand.*
Having your child diagnosed with a serious illness such as cancer would be heartbreaking. Serious Illness and Disability cover will pay $50,000 if your child aged between 4 months and 19 years suffers for the first time from one of the defined trauma conditions covered within your policy. This benefit may be invaluable for medical costs, help with travel, or even to replace your lost income so you can afford to take time off work to help with your child’s recovery.
* Source: Cancer Foundation
Special Events Increase Benefit
This is a valuable benefit that recognises your increased needs and financial responsibilities as your life evolves. If you marry, have a child, divorce, increase your mortgage, or move house and as a result take out a mortgage, this benefit allows the sum insured under serious illness Cover to be increased regardless of your state of health